Will Hall's

journey through everything.

Woah. Looks like November got a little busy, but fear not; the tunes have returned for a massive major medley of these months' music!

The groove present in these playlists is as silky as egg nog and as vibrant as spiced mulled wine. Listen below to these true winter warmers!

Listen to November 2020 now on Spotify!
Listen to December 2020 now on Spotify!

Oh my. What a mighty collection of tracks! Many of the tunes here are from way back when, exploring some earlier beats and bops. On the other hand, there are some newer bits and bobs from the likes of Glass Animals and Foster the People. Picks of the month(s) have to include:

  • If I Was A Folkstar - The Avalanches
  • Lamb's Wool - Foster The People
  • Tangerine - Glass Animals
  • No Justice - Astronauts, etc.
  • Empire Ants (Feat. Little Dragon) - Gorillaz, Little Dragon
  • Sanctuary - Joji

One of the stand out number from across the months was Anderson .Paak's Parking Lot. Bathing in a sea of nostalgia, this song oozes glossy summer nights and longing for better times. A welcome message as we move towards 2021, where generating some of those same gooey shimmering summertime memories might just be more possible.

So, we've made it through to December, and 2020 is so very nearly complete. We're alive! Congratulations. And what a cracking few months of music. From Tom Misch back in April, Maggie Rogers of September, Jacob Collier of May and Gus Dapperton of June, our ears been treated to the creative endeavours of so many awesome people. Here's hoping they feel the gratitude of listeners around the world for bringing so much joy and groove!

Alongside music, each month's playlist artwork gave yet another creative outlet!

Whilst it's absolutely the perfect time to look forward to 2021 - the new age; the free age - let us for a second reflect on the year we've all just experienced. Truth be told, everything happens for a reason - not necessarily in a mystical, spiritual way, but rather in an Occam's razor kinda way; everything that can happen will happen kinda way - and this year certainly has happened in all kinds of chaotic ways. Hopefully it is from this chaos that great things are born, and potential is realised. Perhaps we wouldn't have grown so close to our loved ones if spending time in their company hadn't been ripped away. Perhaps it took the forced closure of workplaces and schools to break us from unhappy routine and turn our eyes toward new opportunity. Perhaps it took death around us to remind us of what it feels like to be alive.

This precious gift of life - a cosmic accident; a flicker; a moment in endless time and space; fragile like glass, yet through all the impossibility, somehow still in existence - is ours for the taking. So take it, this one life, and live it ferociously, passionately, as if everything is vitally important; as if everything matters.

Then remember that in the scale of it all - the sheer magnitude of infinity - nothing really, truly matters.

Happy new year! Happy life! Here's to doing all those things we know we should, with all the people we love, with all the world's passion in our hearts. Onwards!" - Will :)
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© Will Hall 2020